Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's April...

We have been anticipating April since August, when we first found out we were pregnant. At first, we were beyond excited for April. Now, our feelings towards this month are bittersweet. As much as we have prepared ourselves for this month, we know it will be harder than we can ever imagine. But deep down, I also feel that we may experience a joy that we could have never imagined either.

We had two ultrasounds this week because my blood pressure was unusually high at my Monday appointment. While it is still high, the doctors don't think it is high enough to act on it. We are just monitoring it closely at this point. But, two ultrasounds mean more pictures for us! One of the blessings of this experience has been all of the pictures we have of Isaac. The sonographers at Maternal Fetal Medicine have been very accommodating during this whole experience. After they take the measurements that they need, they take their time to try to get us some nice images of Isaac. Never once have I felt rushed there, even when I was the last appointment of the day. Right now, Isaac is still head down and continues to grow. He is almost six pounds!

Feet crossed
His little fist
I received a request for a belly shot of me, but I have not gotten around to taking some of me in a while. Next Saturday, we are having some maternity photos taken by a professional photographer. Hopefully, I can post some of those after the shoot.

Lastly, I want to share my deep appreciation for Dan. I can't imagine traveling this journey without such a strong and brave partner by my side. He has been the "glass half-full" to my "glass half-empty," the "Tigger" to my "Eeyore." Whenever I get sad (and I do), he always has the right thing to say to make me feel better. Whenever I get cranky (and I do that even more), he has been patient, understanding, and helpful. I am so proud and blessed to be his wife.

Thank you all for sharing in our journey. Your prayers and support provide an amazing comfort each day!

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