Saturday, March 5, 2011

32 Weeks

Yesterday we had another ultrasound appointment. Isaac's growth continues to remain on track. He is now 3 pounds, 11 ounces! The bigger he gets, the harder it is to get pictures of him, but we got some pretty good ones today, considering that space is getting tight in there! The biggest news of the day is that his head was down... hopefully it will stay that way! I'm not too sure though because he was VERY active after the appointment, probably the most active he has been during the pregnancy. Here are some of the pictures from yesterday. He was not too shy with his face this time.

We just want to thank you all again for your continued prayers and support. We are humbled that our story has even reached people that we have not met. We know that God is carrying us through this journey, and we are thankful for all of the prayers that have been said on our behalf. With that being said, please continue to keep us in your prayers! I have a feeling that the next few months are going to be the most trying of our journey.

Love, Katie and Dan


  1. Dan & Katie,

    Thank you for sharing the pictures of your adorable baby with us.
    We are still praying for the ultimate miracle, even as we witness the remarkable love you are demonstrating for both your son and your Lord -- a miracle in itself.
    We are grateful to know you,
    Rodney and Denise Holbrook

  2. Katie & Dan,
    How precious! Our family continues to pray for you both and your families.On March 13th, my daily devotional lesson for the day took me straight into prayer for you. 1 Samuel 1:27-28 "'I asked the Lord to give me this child, and he has given me my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life.' And they worshiped the Lord there." Keep worshiping and trusting, Katie & Dan! Much Love! Cindy Yelvington

  3. Dear Dan and Katie,
    Thank you for allowing us to be on this God-honoring journey with you. Our prayers will continue for you all in the days and months ahead. Praying always that God would draw near and show you how much He loves you. Praying Always, Joanie Regnier

  4. Congratulations to two of the bravest, most faithful and loving parents I have ever met. Your little one is absolutely a miracle! We celebrate his life, and grieve with you that it had to be so short here. Thank you for allowing so many of us on this incredible journey with you. God had big plans for little Isaac Daniel. He has changed us all.
