Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Heaven Has One More Angel

Isaac Daniel was born on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 5:05 p.m. He spent 25 minutes in our arms before we placed him into the arms of Jesus. He weighed 5 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. He had a full head of wavy brown hair.

Isaac's birth story is one that could only be orchestrated by God. We know that many people have been praying for us over the past five months, and after our experience, I know that God answered everyone's prayers. Isaac has received the ultimate healing, as he now dances in Heaven with Jesus. Matthew 19:14 says, "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"  I plan on writing his full birth story later in the week.

We are planning a celebration of Isaac's life on Saturday, April 16 at 11 a.m. at First Christian Church, 2061 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers. If you have been touched by Isaac, please feel free to join us.

We were also fortunate to have been able to contact a photographer to capture our precious moments with Isaac. While I had been in contact with a photographer with the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep organization, she was unable to make it on the day of his birth. The nurse at the hospital helped us find Tanya Johnston, who provided us with the priceless gift of these images.


God welcomed Isaac to Heaven with a beautiful sunset


  1. Dan and Katie, it has probably been almost 10 years since we have been in touch. I found your blog and just want to say that I am sorry for your loss of Isaac. 18 months ago, my newborn son also went to be with Jesus a few days after he was born. If either of you ever need to talk, please feel free to contact me at April.Brightbill@yahoo.com. It seems like your faith in God has carried you this far and I know He will continue to be there for you.

    ~April (Lemm) Brightbill

  2. The pictures are beautiful, your strength is remarkable, & Isaac's spirit will live in us all forever.

  3. God works in mysterious ways! I am the photographer that will be helping Tanya with Isaac's portraits. I came to read about Isaac and your family. I see above that you know April as well. I was blessed to have photographed her sweet Adam. I know that Adam and Isaac are playing together as I type. May you feel the Peace that passes all understanding as you are just beginning this journey of grief. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
