Sunday, February 13, 2011

30 Week Update

I can't believe it has been almost 4 weeks since I last posted. I also can't believe that I will be 30 weeks pregnant on Wednesday. Time is flying by and, unlike most pregnant women, I don't want it to. We have really been enjoying Isaac over the past couple of weeks. He has started to move more frequently, or at least I can feel him more times throughout the day.

We visited the Materal Fetal Medicine doctor last week, but did not really receive any new information. Isaac's health conditions continue to remain the same. The only change is that he is growing. He is now close to two-and-a-half pounds! Unfortunately, we did not get any good photos of Issac at the last appointment. He had his hands in front of his face the whole time. So, here is a family photo of us from a couple of weeks ago.

Thank you again for all of your continued prayers and support. Please continue to pray about Isaac's delivery. We have been reminded over the past couple of weeks about what great family and friends we have!

Love, Dan and Katie

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