Monday, January 17, 2011

(Almost) 26 weeks!

Today we had an appointment with the local fetal medicine specialists at Health Park. It was just a basic check-up, but we got some really great images of Isaac. One of the blessings of our situation is that we have an ultrasound every 3-4 weeks. Isaac was napping for most of the scan, so for the most part, his feet were up in front of his face.

Right now, he weighs one pound, nine ounces and is 12 inches long. My health also continues to be normal. We did not learn any new information on his condition today. As we move forward, the appointments will give us more insight into the decisions we need to make around the time of his birth, including delivery. Please pray for us as we make these decisions.

Today I want to share a Bible verse that was on a poster in the doctor's office. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalms 139:13-14

This verse continues to emphasize that God created Isaac just the way he is. While the doctors can say that his physical anomalies occurred as a result of a "random polka-dotted lightning strike," we know that Isaac was created especially for us by God to fulfill part of His plan.

Here are some pictures of our sweet boy, taken today. Look at his cute little feet!

His face (part of his leg is by his nose)

Relaxing with his feet up!
Thank you again for all of your kind and encouraging words after our initial post. We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. Again, please pray for God's guidance and peace in the weeks ahead as we make decisions about Isaac's delivery.

Love, Katie and Dan


  1. Thanks for posting about your appt. today and thanks for posting the pictures. What a sweet providence of God to have that scripture for you to see today. One of my favorite verses in Psalm 139, is verse 16. "Your eyes have seen my unformed substance,and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there were not one of them."
    Continue to pray daily for you all and asking for God's grace for what each day holds.
    Joanie Regnier

  2. Katie and Dan,
    We loved the pictures. Thank you for sharing them and keeping us updated on your progress. Remember we are always here to help in any way that we can.
    Love, Mike and Liz
