Sunday, September 18, 2011

We're Still Here!

It's been a while, but we're still here. I hope to continue our blog, and I hope that we still have some readers out there!

We had a busy summer. We were fortunate to have three weeks of traveling together. We were gone for most of the month of July. When we got back home, I went right back to school. I can't believe that we have already been back to school for six weeks!

During our travels, we went to South Dakota for a week to visit my mother-in-law and her husband. They have a beautiful ranch, where we got to relax and do "hokey" touristy stuff. Next, we went to Orlando to visit Universal Studios. Dan wanted to see the new Harry Potter world. Finally, we went on a western Caribbean cruise. We definitely needed the relaxing time together!

Here are some photos from our travels:

At Mount Rushmore

At the ranch in South Dakota

Just before ziplining on our cruise

Waterfall climbing in Jamaica

After the Tie-Dye Gators won the Cozumel Amazing Race

Hopefully we still have some readers out there. We would love to continue to share our journey with you!

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