Monday, February 21, 2011

Let God be God

This post finds us 31 weeks pregnant, just nine short weeks from our due date. We don't have any new medical information to share right now. I am going to my regular OB and the Materal Fetal Medicine doctors every three weeks. Isaac continues to be active, and I can tell he is growing because my stomach continues to get tighter each day. Sometimes it's even funny to look at my stomach because depending on the side he is laying on, my stomach will be flat on one side and bulging out on the other.

We have been going to a financial class every Sunday night at church. Last night, I came across a Bible verse in our textbook. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

This verse reminded me to stay faithful to God's plan. I have questioned God's plan many times over the past few months, especially because it does not coincide with the original plan that I had for my life. We had always thought we would be parents at a young age, especially because we have been married for 4 years now. It is also hard when it seems that many people around us are having babies. It is hard not to wonder why we can't have our baby now too.

This verse also reminded me of a note that I found in August. My mom and I went to Wal-Mart to buy things for my classroom. When we went back to the car, I found a flyer on the windshield. It said, "Let God be God. Remember it is not by your timing. It is in His timing." At the time, we were trying to get pregnant, so I took the message to heart for that situation and it put the note in my purse. Little did I know, I was already pregnant when I found the note. In fact, I took a positive pregnancy test that weekend! I came across the note in my purse again in November, after finding out about Isaac's health condition. I hung it on the refrigerator and it has provided a constant reminder to stay faithful to God's plan. It has been a hard pill to swallow, but we have to understand that it is not in God's timing right now for us to be parents of a baby on earth.

And with this sad situation with Isaac, it is even more evident that we are on this earth for God, not for ourselves.  We are here to live according to His plan.  We encourage those of you who do not realize this to seek this truth.  We are on this earth for a blink and then we are gone.  It is what we do while we are here, how we love and live for Him, that counts.  God works in mysterious ways and we are not always going to understand the events in this life.  However, we can understand His love, His grace, and His promise to us. He will never leave us,  He cries with us, and He died so we may live with Him in Heaven.

We won't have much time with Isaac on earth. However, we look forward to spending eternity with him in Heaven.  We'll be there with him in a blink.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

30 Week Update

I can't believe it has been almost 4 weeks since I last posted. I also can't believe that I will be 30 weeks pregnant on Wednesday. Time is flying by and, unlike most pregnant women, I don't want it to. We have really been enjoying Isaac over the past couple of weeks. He has started to move more frequently, or at least I can feel him more times throughout the day.

We visited the Materal Fetal Medicine doctor last week, but did not really receive any new information. Isaac's health conditions continue to remain the same. The only change is that he is growing. He is now close to two-and-a-half pounds! Unfortunately, we did not get any good photos of Issac at the last appointment. He had his hands in front of his face the whole time. So, here is a family photo of us from a couple of weeks ago.

Thank you again for all of your continued prayers and support. Please continue to pray about Isaac's delivery. We have been reminded over the past couple of weeks about what great family and friends we have!

Love, Dan and Katie